KWARC Ad Hoc Program Committee

The Nature and Purpose of the Committee

The Executive called for the formation of this committee to provide suggestions and guidance in developing club meeting programs. The committee consists of Roger Sanderson, VE3RKS, Fred Cornish, VE3DYC and Nick Waterman, VA3NNW. Peter Bon, club secretary, is an ex-officio member and liaison with the Executive. The terms of reference for the committee can be found in the October Kilowatter.

The Final Report of the Committee

The committee feels that the topics and concerns identified in the interim report (included below) are still relevant and should be explored for the 2016-17 club year. There are still some possible changes to be made to the current year's schedule. These will be posted on the club meeting line-up as they are confirmed. The committee expressed that learning what members are doing, or learning from the expertise of members should be a priority for future meeting programs. The committee reported that presentations are just "one piece of the puzzle". Presentations should also be able to tie into a conclusion or some further action or activity that would help to develop interest, skills, and perhaps new directions both for members and for the club.

There is also the need to explore the "fun side" of amateur radio. However, leadership is needed to create the programs to access the "fun" stuff. The question arose of "how to put a spin on the technology" to generate some interest and activity. This question is still to be answered. Part of the answer may be to look at the technology from the point of view of "What can I do with this?" or "Why should I go and do this?". The committee suggests that members who have been involved in projects be invited to present, hold workshops, or do "how to" session for other members. Some of this is occuring already.

Having sales reps in to explain or demonstrate new technologies could be an approach. Implementing new technologies on club basis would be dependent on the number of members willing to invest the time and monies to pursue the new technologies.

There may be simple ways of getting members to interact and know more about each other and their interests.The physical seating arrangement at meetings is something that could be changed to allow for more interaction. An alternate roll call process that may allow members to better know each other is another approach. A hands-on session led by a club member with some expertise in an area could also be held on another evening. This could encourage more interaction between members and encourage further exploration of the hobby.

The committee recommends that club members become more active and supportive of club events, and perhaps take some initiative in participating and/or organizing some events that encourages interaction, and ultimately encourages different meeting formats beyond presentations.

The executive wishes to thank Roger (VE3RKS), Fred (VE3DYC), and Nick (VA3NNW) for giving their time and providing input.

Club members wishing to respond to any of the items raised in these reports, or have suggestions to offer, are invited to use the form below to send their views, or suggestions to the Executive.

Return to the final report.

Interim Report- October 21, 2015

Many suggestions have already come forth and a few members have volunteered to make presentations. The committee thanks those members, and are now looking at finalizing the program for the current club year. It is also starting to look at the next year's possibilities. As topics and presenters are confirmed, they will be posted on the club meeting line-up page. Please check for updates from time to time.

Several points were raised by the committee in their discussion:

Overall, interaction between members seems to be lacking. Part of the discussions centered on finding ways to develop interaction between members, and ways to support the development of skills and knowledge about aspects of Amateur Radio operation.

Another point raised and related to the first was the feeling that the meetings were an "evening out" and many members did not remain after the presentation. There was consensus that more "hands-on" programs, or "how-to" programs could promote more interaction and involvement. "Field Trips" were one suggestion brought forth, and the committee suggests the club look at these as ways to help address the points made above.

The committee will now be looking for ways to bring the topics listed below to the members in the current and up-coming club years. These topics were generated from the club survey conducted last year and posted on the club Web site: KWARC Survey and Survey Results. Please consider these as a top eleven list of club interests:

The membership responded wonderfully when the need for the committee was brought to the October meeting, and would hope that the membership continues to help with this. The following is our request:

The committee invites members to provide suggestions for each and any of areas of interest named above. These can be specific topics within the area, possible presenters or leaders, and alternative ways to address these areas of interest, beyond the static presentation. The committee is well aware of the broad range of interests and skills many other Amateur Radio operators possess. Being able to tap into these would benefit the club tremendously. Please forward any suggestions for specific topics, speakers or alternant approaches either by your own email account These responses will be forwarded to the committee.

The details of the information above has been reported to the Executive, and is now shared with you in this brief report. The committee will consider any and all feedback and suggestions. Their final report to the Executive will be completed by the end of November.

We believe your suggestions will help to shape the future of KWARC programs.

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