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ARRL Web Sited Pirated 
from ARRL Members Only E-mail News Service

QST de W1AW 
ARRL Bulletin 23  ARLB023
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  April 25, 2000
To all radio amateurs

ARLB023 ARRL Web Access Disrupted

Access to the ARRL Web site (http://www.arrl.org/) was disrupted early Monday by an unknown cyber-vandal when those attempting to connect to the site were shunted to another site, apparently in Canada.

ARRL Information Services Department Manager Don Durand said the League's ''arrl.org'' domain name was illegally modified at Network Solutions--which registers domain names--and redirected to the bogus site. Network Solutions was promptly notified yesterday and has restored the League's record.

Durand said it takes up to 48 hours for the various name servers on the Internet to update their records.

The ARRL Web site itself was not ''hacked,'' and no ARRL files were damaged as a result of the vandalism, Durand emphasized.

The vandalism disrupted e-mail service to League staff and officials. Mail service has been returning slowly. The ARRL E-Mail Forwarding Service was not affected.

ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, said the League intends to investigate the disruption through all possible means and will prosecute if the perpetrator is caught.