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The weather at VE3KSR
Brought to you by WWPUG and KWARC  (News)  (Info)  (More local weather)

Last report:October 22 12:00 Eastern (via
Winds:W (278 deg) at 15 gusts to 23 km/h (9/14 mph)
Temperature:17.2C (62.9F) Humidity: 50.3%
Rain:today: 0.00 cm (0.00 in), long term: 14.12 cm (5.56 in)
Barometer:102.84 kPa (rose 0.02 in last 3 hours)

Highs and lows:YesterdayToday
High temperature: 20.3C at 18:10 17.2C at 12:00
Low temperature: 11.0C at 8:15 11.5C at 8:20
Maximum wind gust: 35 km/h at 16:50 32 km/h at 10:10
Highest humidex: 20.4C at 18:10  

  Graphs of recent weather observations:
(Temperature(°C) Barometer(kPa) Humidity(%) Wind (km/h) Rain(cm))
(Color of word=color of line, color of unit=color of scale to read)
Notes on interpreting charts when the colours cannot be distinguished

The Waterloo Wellington Packet Users Group (WWPUG) with the assistance of KWARC has installed a Peet Ultimeter 2000 automated weather station at the VE3KSR APRS digipeater site on the Baden hill located between Petersburg and Baden, Ontario. The data telemetry is beaconed on the VHF APRS network where it is gatewayed to the internet (by the server identified at the end of the 'Last report' line), then received and decoded by a process running on this server.

The VE3KSR site located at the CKCO-TV trasmitter site on Baden Hill

Other resources for local weather conditions and forecasts:
University of Waterloo Automated weather station
O Canada
Kitchener-Waterloo observations and forecast
Radar loop
The Weather Network Kitchener conditions and forecast
Weather Underground North American Radar (from Weather Underground, formerly Intellicast)

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© 2000-2021 Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Installation and programming by Dave Schwartz VA3DGS
Last modified: 2021-10-25