General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC
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Meeting Minutes
by Jon Doll VE3CBX

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October 2, 2000 Meeting Minutes.
President Bob VA3MCK calls for the start of the meeting leading the roll call.

  • A survey of people interested in helping and being trained in the Canwarn severe Weather watch was recorded.

  • Ben introduces the speaker of the evening, Mr. George Found of Grandpa's Radio Shop

  • Sharing the history of radio, His collections and restorations that turned from a Hobby To a successful business.

  • The lecture began with a quiz on Marconi and his first transmission from the Isle of Wright to the ships in the English Channel, Fessenden transmitted voice from Cobb Island to Arlington Virginia, and He also transmitted the first usable Morse code both ways across the Atlantic Ocean.

  • George covered the period from 1897 to1959 as radio progressed rapidly in communications, commercial broadcasting, television , car radios and entertainment receivers. Operating from His Home, George also restores Antiques, classics, older model car radios, car radio speakers, sells tubes and schematics between 1923_1965, and has used parts for sale. 

  • A short question period followed through with a look at the beginning of Radio in Canada and a few celebrities that paved the way to help make broadcasting a successful Business.

  • Ben presented George with a certificate of appreciation 


  • Dave VE3LWH was the winner of the $43.53 50-50 draw.

  • Harold VE3DWH talks about the QCWA upcoming convention and events.

  • President Bob mentions that John VE3AMZ resigned as the Technical Director, a position that he held for 31 years. The responsibilities of Technical services will be carried over by Ben Va3BNY and Ted VE3TJD until the Directors meet and appoint a new Technical Director. 

  • Ben talks about the Technical report and the progress at Baden Hill.

  • Treasurer Dave presents the financial report.

  • Bob introduces Ed Spike who is collecting the names of volunteers for re-structuring and training operators for Canwarn's severe weather watch.

  • Linda VE3LWH asks for volunteers from the floor to help with the Boy Scout "Jamboree On the Air" on the 21st of October from 1300 to 1700Hrs EST. in Kitchener.

  • Ron Gimble is setting up for the Basic course starting the first week of January, or February 2001, while Gord VE3EOS is looking forward in recruiting two candidates for the Advanced course starting next year.

  • Ben mentions that the guest speaker for November will be Phill VE3ACK, who's topic will be on " Meteor scatter."

  • Paul VE3SY thanks all the members and guests for attending the meeting.
    Meeting adjourned.

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