Executive Committee Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

Executive Committee Minutes from Tuesday December 8th
Members Present:
President Paul Cassel VE3SY, Secretary Marg Cassel VE3BLJ, Treasurer Greg Hollinger VE3NXB, Past President Bill Riddell VE3WFR, Program Chairman Ben Sasiela VA3BNY, Technical Chairman John Riddell VE3AMZ, Emergency Coordinator Bill Fretz VE3WLL Database Manager Dave Schwartz VE3DGS
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 with President Paul Cassel VE3SY as Chairman.

We were advised that Tedd Doda is to put together a price for the packet equipment the Club needs to replace personal equipment currently in use at Baden. We should have details by next month.

Marg Cassel VE3BLJ advised that the Insurance Policy is in place and we should have the bill by next month. Marg also informed the committee that she was successful in getting our premium reduced by $105 plus Zeher Insurance will be donating approximately $75.00 to the club for two old 386 computers.

Greg Hollinger our Treasurer advised that the new Balance as of this month was $2397.83. Greg indicated some concern with the service charges on the account. He will look into and report back next month. Greg also advised the either he or Larry will get a list of the PUG members who are not KWARC members so that they can be added to the roster.

Paul VE3SY advised that RAC had forwarded a renewal form to complete as we are an affiliated club

Bill Fretz VE3WLL advised that John VE3DOS is getting information re ARES. He advised that RAC were not eager to give information regarding Emergency Groups. VE3WLL and VE3DOS are to get together to plan a date for a Training Session regarding the Emergency Group. The are to get in touch with ARES and report back within the next two weeks.

A motion was made by Bill Riddell VE3WFR and Seconded by Ben that John VE3DOS and Bill VE3WLL will be back to the Club by December 23 with a meeting date set for January or February 1998.

A discussion of the Fleamarket resulted in the agreement with Guelph that it was a good move for the location to be Fergus.

Paul VE3SY advised that the Industry Canada Poll was on the KWARC Web Site and there a good interest in same.

A discussion of the accommodations offered by St Andrews Church. It was felt unanimously that it was best to stay at the 404 Wing.

The Meeting then adjourned.

errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org

Index of Minutes

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