Executive Committee Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

Executive Committee Minutes from Monday March 9th, 1998
Members Present:
Gord Hayward VE3EOS; Dave Schwartz VA3DGS; Ben Sasiela VA3BNY; Paul Cassel VE3SY; Marg Cassel VE3BLJ Dave Schneider VE3DAS, Roger Sanderson VE3RKS and Ed Spike VE3TCK.

Meeting was called to order by club President Paul Cassel VE3SY. A discussion on the appointment of Ed Spike VE3TCK was held with the following motion being made by Paul seconded by Gord VE3EOS: MOVED that KWARC hereby appoints Ed Spike VE3TCK as the Chairman of the Emergency Services group of KWARC. This appointment will run until the end of the current fiscal year with a recommendation to the incumbent directors to renew the appointment for the KWARC 1998-99 fiscal year. Passed

Gord Gibson VE3NQK the chairman of the 1998-99 nominating committee was unavailable to report on his progress for next years recommended slate of officers.

Dave Schwartz VA3DGS reported that 5 bands have been spoken for and that interest for this years event has been high. As of this date we will have two active CW stations.

Ed joined the meeting and gave the Executive a high level overview of his plans for the various committees within the clubs new Emergency Services group.

Inventory coordinator Dave Schneider VE3DAS gave a report on his inventory taking tour of the VE3IXY Mannheim and the VE3RCK downtown Kitchener sites. The Baden site will hopefully be completed by the end of April.

John VE3DOS reported that the VE3RCK phone line was out of service for credit reasons. Since our bills are paid monthly, Secretary Marg VE3BLJ was to check with Bell Canada on Tuesday.

A discussion was held regarding the cost of on-going licensing and maintenance for the 220 MHz repeater. A discussion was held that revealed less than 4 "club members" were using the repeater. A motion passed that KWARC would seek expressions of interest for any one or group interested in purchasing the repeater. Should a reasonable offer be received the Executive would present same to the membership for their direction.

Meeting adjourned at 21:30

errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org

Index of Minutes

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