General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

Meeting Minutes from Monday April 6th 1998

The meeting was called to order by President Paul Cassel, VE3SY at 7:30 p.m. with 62 members and guests in attendance. Ben Sasiela VE3BNY introduced our Guest Speakers in a "Show and Tell" format with the following presenters:

  • Bruce Reinhardt VE3WBX showed us his portable 2m quad Antenna
  • Gord Hayward VE3EOS showed us his SX28 Boat Anchor that he has restored
  • Bill Graham VE3ETK showed us his portable 5 element beam flat type will fit in plastic Mayo jar.
  • John Riddell VE3AMZ showed us several items including a RF probe, a variable tone generator and a Wave radio.
  • Bob Barton VE3FVF showed us his transistor tester build by Bob about 10 years ago
  • Ted Doda VE3TJD showed us his 10Ghz Motion detector modulated for ham radio.
We then broke for coffee.

The meeting resumed

The minutes of the March meeting were moved by Drew Riddell VE3AOR and Seconded by Mary Riddell VE3MWE as published in the bulletin and passed unanimously

The treasurers reports was moved by Greg Hollinger VE3NXB and seconded by VE3RKS Roger Sanderson as published in the bulletin and passed unanimously.

Brian Gingel VE3BWG advised that he is looking for assistance on the admissions team for the flee market. If interested call Brian at 579-8267.

Jerry O'Robko VE3DYY advised that he is looking for assistance with parking for the fleamarket. Call Rich at 669-8633 if interested.

Gord Hayward VE3EOS advised that the packet meeting will be tomorrow night and all are welcome.

Tedd Doda VE3TJD advised that the antenna for KSR is now on the roof of the building on the hill at this time. Work will be done to change this ASAP.

John Schreiter VE3DOS gave information re ARIES and Can WARN the Aries Meeting is April 16, 1998 at Mutual Life and the Canwarn is on April 20, 1998 at St Andrews Church.

Dave Schwartz, VA3DGS advised that if you are interested in working a band for Field Day, give him a call, It will be held June 26, 1998 in the NCR Parking Lot in Waterloo.

Roger Sanderson, VE3RKS advised that the Summer Car Rally will be June 13, 1998 if interested in helping give Roger a call.

Gord Gibson, VE3NQK gave an update on the nominations for Directors of KWARC for next year. He will have a full slate next month. He advised that John, VE3VRA is willing to stand for secretary.

Bill Fretz, VE3WLL advised that the Industry Canada Tour will be April 15, 1998.

Harold Braun, VE3DWH advised that the next meeting of the QCWA is May 2, 1998.

The 50/50 draw ($26.00) was won by Roger Sanderson, VE3RKS.

Meeting was adjourned at 21:50

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Index of Minutes

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